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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • I cant find what I'm looking for on the school website?

    At the bottom of the screen use the search function. Type in what you are looking for and it will produce the answer for you. E.g. "Term Dates", "contact details" "school meals"

    If there is something you think is missing or you would like to see on our website, please let us know.

  • When and how often are parents' evenings held?

    During the Autumn term there is a parent's meeting where you can meet your child's new teacher and discuss how your child has settled into the new class aswell as their attainment and attitude.

    The second parent's meeting is in the Spring term. You will find out the progress your child has made throughout the year.

    In the Summer term you will recieve a written report to inform you about your child's end of year attainment. If you wish to, you may make an appointment to discuss the report with your child's teacher.

    If you have any concerns or questions throuhgout the year please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher.

  • What is for lunch today?

    Look at the menu in the Parent Zone on this website. The menu rotates every three weeks. Check the date for the week beginning.

  • I'm worried about my child. What shall I do?

    You may have concerns over your child for a number of reasons. No matter how big or how small you feel the problem or issue may be, in the first instance, speak to your child's class teacher. She or he will decide on a course of action with you. One of the routes may be to liaise with Mrs Carr or Mrs Smith our Emotional Wellbeing Staff. They work in partnership with yourself and your child and teacher to decide on an action plan to resolve any issues that may be affecting your child's wellbeing.

    Another route is to liaise with Mrs Weston SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator). She is able to help signpost yourself and has links with a range of agencies and  professionals who may need to be involved with your child's education.

    You may contact any of these staff directly by calling the school office on 351150.

  • My child's attendance is quite low. What will happen?

    All children at Eastfield have their attendance tracked. If we are concerned you will, in the first instance, recieve a letter or telephone regarding this. You may also recieve a home visit from our Attendance Officers, Mrs Carr and Mrs Smith.

  • What is Restorative Practice?

    Please read the Guide to Restorative Practice. This can be found in the 'School Information' area and look in 'Policies'. It is in the 'whole school policies' section.


  • When are the school holidays?

    Please look at 'School Term Dates' in the Parent Zone.


  • How can I help to keep my child safe on the internet?

    Look at the resources in the Parent Zone 'Online Safety' area.

  • What should I do if I have concerns about my child using the internet?

    The NCA’s CEOP Command is here to help children and young people. We are here to help if you are a young person and you or your friend (up to age 18) has been forced or tricked into taking part in inapprpriate activity with anyone online, or in the real world. We also have advice and links to support for other online problems young people might face, such as cyberbullying and hacking. Visit our Safety Centre for advice and to report directly to CEOP, by clicking on the Click CEOP button.

    Look at the Parent Zone - Online Safety page. There is lots of information on here to keep you and your family safe online. If you have concerns that involve online activity use the CLICK CEOP button.  Alternatively contact at school Mrs Weston (Safeguarding), Mrs Carr or Mrs Smith (Wellbeing) or Mrs Taylor (ICT).

  • What is my child learning about?

    Have a look in Year Group Information to see what theme your child is learning about. You can also read the Policy Statement for the Curriculum to find out about our curriculum, how we plan, how we assess, equal oppotunities, Modern British Values and roles and responsibilities.

  • What does my child's teacher look like?

    Look in the 'About Us - staff' section to see our photos. Before your child starts in a new year group they will meet their new teacher in July and you will also have the opportunity to meet them.

  • What is going on day to day at Eastfield?

    We endeavour to let you know what is going on via letters in your child's book bag and messages via email and text. You can keep up to date by looking at the website calendar and also by checking out what is happening on twitter.

    Our twitter feed can be found here  https://twitter.com/EastfieldPS

  • My child has SEND. What is available?
  • What is my child learning about this year?

    Click on this link to find out what theme or topic your child will be doing this year. All our topic work and key texts lead into the children's learning.


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